Found my purpose and passion again and created the HIGH-PERFORMANCE HUMAN SYSTEM. Helping people who have created a level of success but are not in harmony, alignment, and flow with every aspect of their life, and are missing their true potential because of it.

Found my purpose and passion again and created the HIGH-PERFORMANCE HUMAN SYSTEM. Helping people who have created a level of success but are not in harmony, alignment, and flow with every aspect of their life, and are missing their true potential because of it.

Released my first book CHAMPIONS CRY TOO

Released my first book CHAMPIONS CRY TOO

Conducted the first-ever research into wellness and wellbeing in the Australian real estate industry and released two whitepapers to change the conversation around wellness and wellbeing.

Conducted the first-ever research into wellness and wellbeing in the Australian real estate industry and released two whitepapers to change the conversation around wellness and wellbeing.

Committed myself to serve, contribute and collaborate as much as I could with others to make a difference.

Committed myself to serve, contribute and collaborate as much as I could with others to make a difference.

Did a 10-day retreat, with no talking and 10 hours of meditation per day, to stop the busy mind and connect to the deeper aspects of who I was and what I really wanted in life – a mind-blowing experience that allowed me to conquer stress.

Did a 10-day retreat, with no talking and 10 hours of meditation per day, to stop the busy mind and connect to the deeper aspects of who I was and what I really wanted in life – a mind-blowing experience that allowed me to conquer stress.

Became extremely motivated and focused on what’s important and stopped compromising and living an average life.

Became extremely motivated and focused on what’s important and stopped compromising and living an average life.

Got diagnosed and recovered from depression and ADHD, which had been sabotaging my life.

Got diagnosed and recovered from depression and ADHD, which had been sabotaging my life.

Reconnected with my kids.

Reconnected with my kids.

Trekked to Base Camp Mount Everest, taking a group of business owners on the personal development trek of a lifetime.

Trekked to Base Camp Mount Everest, taking a group of business owners on the personal development trek of a lifetime.

Travelled the world by myself to reconnect, re-center and start again mentally, emotionally, physically, and spiritually.

Travelled the world by myself to reconnect, re-center and start again mentally, emotionally, physically, and spiritually.